about me

Hi there! I’m Nathalie  and I’m a recent graduate of SUNY Geneseo with double majors in History and French Language and Literature, with a minor in International Relations. I’ve always had ‘the travel bug’ !

I studied abroad during my entire junior year at Geneseo in the incredible city of Montpellier in the south of France, taking classes at the Université Montpellier III- Paul Valéry and living with a host family. From August 2013 to May 2014 I had the amazing opportunity (thanks Mom and Dad!) to gallivant around Europe, trying international cuisine, wearing out my shoes on free walking tours, and soaking up the experience. I had such a fabulous time in France for nine months that I decided to put off real life a bit longer and apply to spend another year abroad.

I am currently working as an English teaching assistant in the Academie of Lyon in the towns of Bellignat and Oyonnax as part of the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF). This blog will serve as a travel diary of sorts, in addition to offering major sights in the cities I end up in and a step-by-step account of the TAPIF program so that future teaching assistants can benefit from some firsthand knowledge! Enjoy!


Hi! Here I am hiking up to the Bastille in Grenoble, France, January 2016! 

You can connect with me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/NathalieGrogan

and LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/nathaliegrogan

and Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nygrogan.

and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nathaliegrogan/

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