Extending TAPIF for a month

The Teaching Assistant Program in France runs for 7 months- from October 1st until April 30th. I had no idea that some assistants have the opportunity to extend their contracts until May 31, allowing another month of work and travel in France!

Prior to leaving on vacation for Christmas, my supervising teacher mentioned that upon our return, I would be asked to submit an application for a monthlong extension of my contract, if I wanted to. I immediately knew that I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get paid for another month of work in France, and so was sure I would jump.

I didn’t hear anything right away coming back to Oyonnax- but luckily two of my assistant friends had the same idea and they had been told the application had to be submitted ASAP! I quickly rushed to the administration office to inquire and was handed an application with instructions to return it super quickly, as the deadline was approaching! Continue reading


2 weeks ago I had the opportunity to spend a Saturday working at the high school where I am an assistant at their annual Open House. Along with the other English teachers that I work with, 2 of my best students joined me to sit behind a table covered with posters my sophomore students had made during a  unit on American Prom and answer questions from prospective students (middle-schoolers) and their parents about what, exactly, the language assistant does!

The students were a big help in answering questions about the exchange programs to Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia that are organized by the high school and which they have had the opportunity to go on, and I had a blast explaining my role as language assistant to parents!  Continue reading

So, aren`t you supposed to be working in France?

So a common question with my posts about hiking, taking day trips, and traveling around France, is Nathalie, shouldnt you be teaching more and goofing off less? 

Yes, I am working in France.

I am working at a middle school and a high school which are both very close to each other and close to where I live- all walking distance! I work 3 hours a week at the middle school and 9 hours a week at the high school. I was set up with a very convenient schedule- I am at the high school Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and at the middle school every other Monday or Friday. I alternate. So yes, this does mean that every other week I have a 4 day weekend!

Maybe I`m not really helping my case that I really am working here…moving on. Continue reading