Initial TAPIF tasks

There`s a lot to do as soon as you arrive in a foreign country to work! I arrived in Oyonnax almost a month ago and am still going strong with paperwork and administration. Its France after all! Here are some of the tasks Ive been working on:

  • get a phone: this was the first task checked off my list. Since I really had to get a phone after my computer crashed, I bought a cheap flip phone and a refillable French SIM card so I could communicate with my contact teacher. So far I`ve put 20 euros on the card and its lasted me this long! Update: I received my new SIM card in the mail today from the French cell phone provider B and You. I`ve signed up for the cheapest plan possible, 4 euros a month for unlimited texts and 2 hours of calling within France!

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Bank account opened!

One of the most crucial initial tasks for living in a foreign country has been checked off my list: Ive managed to open up a French bank account!

Getting an appointment was the struggle, banks in my smaller town of Bellignat were either booked or wouldnt return mesages\answer their phones so I ended up going to the bank Caisse d`Epargne in nearby Oyonnax. I picked Caisse d`Epargne as it was recommended by previous assistants as being understanding with international banking and came without strings attached in regards to a short term account. Once I had an appointment I had to wait less than a day to open up my account! The process was simple enough. Continue reading